The Foundation is an organisation holding a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) status.
About GladAfrica Foundation
Our vision is to be a credible game changer in eradicating poverty in South Africa through continually educating our children, uplifting our communities and creating a better future for all.
We believe that circumstance need not determine destiny, and that nothing is impossible. We believe that inherent in every one of us is the ability to script our own story, and that by standing together, sharing our time, knowledge and resources, we can make a meaningful difference to the lives of others.
Strategic Objectives
- Elevate the calibre of graduates exiting the education system by addressing their social and economic needs,
- Increasing youth’s ability to positively impact society, redressing cycles of poverty in South Africa.
- Improve livelihoods in black communities by creating recreational and social environments to meet community needs.
- Through partnership with Epilepsy SA, champion awareness around epilepsy.
- Deliver relevant health awareness programmes at community level.
- Contribute to community understanding and acceptance of stigmatised illnesses
- Empower individuals to cope with their conditions.
- Implement sustainable projects which contribute to community social development.
- Partner with research organisations to create awareness about health issues and implement initiatives that empower and benefit individuals in communities afflicted by illness.
Key Results Areas
Creating relationships of trust with donors and all stakeholders.
Raising funds for the benefit our beneficiaries
Managing funds effectively and efficiently in the interest of our donors
Establishing a sustainable, well-governed, non-profit organisation that is legally, procedurally and B-BBEE compliant.
Our Values
Accountability to those who entrust us with the resources to execute our mandate. Integrity and transparency in our conduct and business activities at all times.
Our Mission
We will lead, guide and build lives of hope, journeys of passion and the will to succeed in our efforts to achieve our vision.
Our Trustees
The GladAfrica Foundation trustees are young, dynamic black women, passionate about community upliftment, improving the livelihoods of the less privileged and eradicating poverty from the fabric of South African society. Our trustees have an academic pedigree, grounded in finance and logistics, with significant business experience.